
‘It’s sounding unbelievable! Thanks so much Steve’ - Mark Pritchard, composer and producer, Warp Records

Session Type: Piano, Deagan Electra Vibes, Harmonium and Ondioline (Steve Christie)

‘Finally got my mitts on the lovely new official reissues of Don Shinn’s two late sixties solo albums. Probably two of the greatest British jazz/psych/progressive organ albums EVER! Plus the newly recorded bonus tracks (Vintage Keys Studio) on Departures are fantastic and follow on from the original recordings seamlessly’ - Varrod Goblink (Jarrod Gosling) - artist and musician

Commenting on Don Shinn - Departures album reissue on Sunbeam Records

‘Tony Pale [aka Steve Christie - see YouTube.com/vintagekeysstudio for explanation!] likes to play little snatches of things that you sort of recognise from somewhere, then busts out a bangin' fugue without warning....’ - @howardmaryon, YouTube subscriber

‘You never cease to amaze me with your ability to find and restore these keyboards as well as your serious musical chops. I really enjoy your playing.’ - @TheJstewart2010, YouTube Subscriber

Commenting on Our YouTube video presentations

‘I can’t tell you how blown away I am by these tracks - they sound ridiculously good. And some of the alternate takes are incredible, it’s going to be tough to choose the ones I like the most! Thank you so much Steve, I am very, very pleased right now!’ - Stuart Rawlinson, composer, independent

Session Type: Piano (Steve Christie) and Cello (Simon Wilkins)

‘I have never heard my songs recorded so well. The depth of the bass is simply mind blowing. The clarity of the voice is amazing. I got my first single professionally recorded, mastered, Spotify and Apple Music-ready, in less than a day, for a fraction of the cost I thought it would be. Steve guided me through the process, ensuring my studio time was used efficiently. The result exceeded my expectations!’ - Alex Steffel, singer-songwriter

Session Type: Guitar, Vocal, (Alex) Double bass and Hammond M102 (Steve Christie) 

‘Oh [my goodness]! That’s [totally]…ing beautiful! thanks’ - Amy Gilbert, Singer

Session Type: Piano Recording with String Quartet Arrangement (Steve Christie)